Tommi Juusela, JK, LL.M. (Columbia University). Juha Metsälä, DI, eMBA. Minna Forsström, DI, MBA. Alexander Bargum, CEO, Algol Group, styrelseordförande.


Mayur Saxena applied, interviewed for, and landed his MBA graduate job on campus at MIP Politecnico di Milano.

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This is an Executive MBA from Sweden, one of the most innovative countries in the world. A program for people with a passion for business development and an aim to lead in international organizations. Challenge yourself with our 18 month long Executive MBA, delivered part-time, with sustainability integrated throughout the whole program!

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The DI/LR section is one of the higher scoring sections on the CAT, so you can look to it for help in improving your overall score as well, as long as you devote a good proportion of your time to it. Although recent CATs have had 4-5 question sets, be prepared for 1-2 question sets as well.

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Join the MBA webinar and meet our alumnus from Colliers International Italy On Tuesday, April 20th at 6.30 PM CEST, join our next online presentation dedicated to the International Full-Time MBA. An intense, international MBA in the heart of Milano, the hub of Italy's culture and innovation, and at SDA Bocconi, one of the highest-ranked schools of management in the world and a trailblazer in European business education. A 1-year MBA, designed to flexibly meet the needs of students, with personal care and global exposure. MBA is the only association representing all segments of the real estate finance industry. We unite the interests of diverse stakeholders, from main street to wall street, spanning all aspects of real estate finance, including commercial, multifamily and residential.