intangible. noun. Definition of intangible (Entry 2 of 2) : something intangible: such as. a : an asset (such as goodwill) that is not corporeal. b : an abstract quality or attribute. Other Words from intangible Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about intangible. Keep scrolling for more.


Intangible Assets: In accounting and law, intangible assets are nonphysical assets or things of value, such as trademarks, patent rights, copyrights (known collectively as intellectual property), franchise rights, leasehold interests, and noncompete agreements, as well as unquantifiable assets often referred to as goodwill or deferred costs, such as corporate culture and strategy, customer satisfaction, and …

Also with Intangible sentences, similar words ,  intangible translation in Spanish - Spanish Reverso dictionary, see also ' infrangible',intransitable',interminable',innegable', examples, definition, conjugation. The “intangible cultural heritage”, as defined in paragraph 1 above, is manifested inter alia in the following domains: (a) oral traditions and expressions,  1 janv. 2012 63/97890043 5 6_003Venant comme de nulle part John Sallis Boston CollegeS'il1 y a un impératif qui s'est imposé en philosophie  intangible[in'tændʒəbl] · 1. (of especially business assets) not having physical substance or intrinsic productive value · 2. incapable of being perceived by the  6 Jan 2020 The benefits were intangible. The issue lies with how intangible assets are defined and valued.

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Examples include declines in customer satisfaction, productivity, employee moral, reputation or brand value. Firms that make decisions based on tangible costs alone risk long term financial losses due to intangible costs. Translation for 'intangible' in the free English-Swedish dictionary and many other Swedish translations. 1 synonym of intangible from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 8 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for intangible.

Find another word for intangible. What does intangible-asset mean?

Nov 13, 2001 Definition: Intangible non-produced assets are assets that entitle their owners to engage in certain specific activities or to produce certain 

Familiarity information:  In accounting, an intangible asset is a resource with long-term financial value to a business. It also isn't a material object.

in which heritage is no longer defined on the basis of its material aspect. This development has also made it possible to recognise intangible cultural heritage,  

The definition of intangible is something with no physical presence that can't be touched, or is something that is vague and difficult to understand or value in concrete terms. Intellectual property laws that protect a copyright are an example of laws that protect an intangible right. Find 37 ways to say INTANGIBLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.

electrical energy is completely intangible Recent Examples on the Web: Adjective Then there is the debate over whether an intangible work—lines of code, essentially—is really art, and deserving of the hype. Intangible definition, not tangible; incapable of being perceived by the sense of touch, as incorporeal or immaterial things; impalpable. See more.
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© 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson. Intangible heritage consists of nonphysical intellectual wealth, such as folklore, customs, beliefs, traditions, knowledge, and language. Intangible cultural heritage is considered by member states of UNESCO in relation to the tangible World Heritage focusing on intangible aspects of culture. intangible (Noun) Anything intangible. intangible (Noun) Incorporeal property that is saleable though not material, such as bank deposits, stocks, bonds, and promissory notes.

Nov 14, 2018 The definition of intangible with examples. Intangible things are entities that have no physical form. The following are illustrative examples.
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In accounting, an intangible asset is a resource with long-term financial value to a business. It also isn't a material object. The meaning of intangible is something 

‘And, monetary gifts aren't enough, but intangible power, presence, and influence as well.’. ‘It stands to reason then that intangible means not tangible, unable to touch, or impalpable.’.

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2021-04-06 · imprecise or unclear to the mind. intangible ideas. 3. (of property or a business asset) saleable though not possessing intrinsic productive value. noun. 4. something that is intangible. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers.

Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson. Any Intangible asset which has limited life is called as Definite Intangible assets. For example, legal agreement to operate under another Company’s patent with no plan of extending the agreement. Popular Course in this category Intangible Asset: 1. They hav e a physical existence.

Physiological responses and nonverbal reactions often overlap each other; howbeit, nonverbal reactions are generally defined as the specific changes in 

‘The minute you walk in, you feel an intangible presence.’. ‘And, monetary gifts aren't enough, but intangible power, presence, and influence as well.’. ‘It stands to reason then that intangible means not tangible, unable to touch, or impalpable.’. 2011-03-02 · Tangible vs Intangible. Tangible and Intangible are terms very commonly used in accounting to refer to two types of assets. Difference between tangible and intangible is simple as tangible is something that has a physical existence and can be seen whereas intangible is something that cannot be seen. The meaning of intangible is something that can’t be touched or physically seen, according to the Cambridge Dictionary.

intangible noun [usually plural] jump to other results intangibles such as staff morale and goodwill See intangible in the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary A product that mostly offers intangible value. For example, a high speed train that transports people. Advanced economies are shifting towards services and away from physical products. Physical products will always exist but the vast majority of future value creation is likely to be intangible. Find 37 ways to say INTANGIBLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.