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The general academic site is Journal link in society website does not provide me full-text access; Reset forgotten password for SpringerLink,, Springer Materials and AdisInsight; View all (24) Policies. Springer's corrections and retractions policy; Inter-Library Loan (ILL) requests for electronic versions of Springer content delivers fast, accurate access to the depth and breadth of our online collection of Science, Technology and Medicine, and Humanities and Social Sciences. Publishing the world’s leading scholars across Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, Adis, BMC and Apress publications. Purpose Spinal metastases are common in cancer. This preferential migration/growth in the spine is not fully understood.

Read over ten million scientific documents on »SpringerLink.. Buy 320,047 different books in our Springer Shop.They come with free worldwide shipping for print copies, and our eBooks can be read on any device.

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Springer's corrections and retractions policy; Inter-Library Loan (ILL) requests for electronic versions of Springer content delivers fast, accurate access to the depth and breadth of our online collection of Science, Technology and Medicine, and Humanities and Social Sciences. Publishing the world’s leading scholars across Springer, Palgrave Macmillan, Adis, BMC and Apress publications. Purpose Spinal metastases are common in cancer. This preferential migration/growth in the spine is not fully understood. Dura has been shown to affect the surrounding microenvironment and promote cancer growth. Here, we investigate the role of dural cytokines in promoting the metastatic potential of prostate cancer (PCa) and the involvement of the CXCR2 signaling pathway.