Multitech Auto Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 13 January 2004. It is classified as Non-govt company and is registered at Registrar of Companies, Kolkata. Its authorized share capital is Rs. 20,000,000 and its paid up capital is Rs. 16,359,000. It is inolved in Manufacture of motor vehicles



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Next Tech covers a range of current and future technologies whose common thread is that they will comprise and enable the next generation of technology. Copyright © 2021 IDG Communications, Inc.

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FOR ALL TYPES OF AUTO REPAIRS, CALL 707-421-2283 AND EXPERIENCE THE BEST TEAM IN TOWN. Multi-Tech Auto is based in Fairfield and is a one-stop solution for everything from windshield replacements to engine rebuilds.

Multi-Tech Auto is based in Fairfield and is a one-stop solution for everything from windshield replacements to engine rebuilds. At Multi-Tech Auto, we know electrical systems and our Fairfield location is outfitted to handle any problem. Multi-Tech Auto is the right combination of experience, knowledge, and professional automotive equipment. Our electrical specialists have seen almost every imaginable electrical issue and know how to fix them all.

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