In 2017, Dr. Burch received an Engaged Anthropology Grant to support “Criminal Records and Employment Roundtables.” Thanks to the support provided by The Wenner Gren Foundation, I was able to return to my field site southern California’s Inland Empire in January 2018, to share the findings of my dissertation research with key collaborators and stakeholders.


In 2017, Dr. Burch received an Engaged Anthropology Grant to support “Criminal Records and Employment Roundtables.” Thanks to the support provided by The Wenner Gren Foundation, I was able to return to my field site southern California’s Inland Empire in January 2018, to share the findings of my dissertation research with key collaborators and stakeholders.

In 2014 Dr. Tuttle received an Engaged Anthropology Grant to aid engaged activities on "New Histories for a New South Sudan: A Public Anthropology Project". Read the full blog post here. Engaged Anthropology Grant: Brendan Tuttle | The Wenner-Gren Foundation The Wenner-Gren Foundation is committed to playing a leadership role in anthropology. We help anthropologists advance anthropological knowledge, build sustainable careers, and amplify the impact of anthropology within the wider world.

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Check out the grants, apply, and become approved for your doctorate are engaged in advanced accounting studies and in pursuit of CPA licensure. grant programs put forth by the Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. I earned my PhD in Anthropology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst community based methods and engaged anthropology, and Black Feminist Theory. (2013-2016), and a Wenner-Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Grant (2016- 2017)  Oct 7, 2016 The Wenner-Gren Foundation, for example, offers an Engaged Anthropology Grant for its grantees to return to their research site and share  Sep 27, 2017 Southern Methodist University, M.A. in Cultural Anthropology, 2011 Wenner- Gren Engaged Anthropology Grant for “Improving Experiences of  Engaged Anthropology Grant(Ref: Gr. EAG-136), Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research.

2017 Wenner Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research. Engaged Anthropology Grant.

In 2018 Dr. Engmann had the opportunity to return to her fieldsite when she received an Engaged Anthropology Grant to aid engaged activities on “Excavating Knowledge”. Read the full post here. Engaged Anthropology Grant: Rachel Engmann | The Wenner-Gren Foundation

Final Report summarizing the work carried out during the grant period, in the form of a short (e.g. 500-1000 word) blog entry including, where possible, photographs and/or other media to be posted on the Wenner-Gren Engaged Anthropology blog. Proposal Writing for the Wenner-Gren Foundation: Introducing the Engaged Research Grant Program The events of 2020 have forced anthropologists to reckon with their discipline’s history and the nature of the relationships they forge through their research.

In 2017 Dr. Cepek received an Engaged Anthropology Grant to aid engaged activities on “Developing a Cofan Protocol for the Conduct of Ethical Research”. In May of 2012, I began a three-year period of Wenner-Gren-funded research on the relationship between the indigenous Cofán nation of eastern Ecuador and the transnational petroleum industry.

Research Grant and fulfilled the final reporting requirements.

Career Paths for Anthropology Majors Wenner Gren Foundation Grants. Wenner Gren Foundation Grants Introduction: The Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. is a private operating foundation dedicated to the advancement of anthropology throughout the world. The Engaged Anthropology Grants Department at Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research on Wenner gren foundation grants for Anthropological Research, Inc. is a private operating foundation grants which provides the Wenner Gren award. The exhibition is designed to share this research with the people of Cyprus and to stimulate a bi-communal dialogue on memory, shared spaces and ‘alternative’ readings of the past. The exhibition is curated and designed by Ersan Ocak and Aslı Tanrıkulu.
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This program is designed to enable past Wenner-Gren grantees to return to their research locale to share their research results with the community in which the research was conducted, and/or the academic/anthropological community in the region or country of research.

500-1000 word) blog entry including, where possible, photographs and/or other media to be posted on the Wenner-Gren Engaged Anthropology blog. 2018-03-05 · Wenner-Gren Foundation - Engaged Anthropology Grant 2018.
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Biography · 2017 Wenner-Gren Foundation Engaged Anthropology Grant · 2014 National Science Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grant · 2014 

Featured: A Leader in Her Field (Museum ). President, Wenner-Gren Foundation [Listen] Hosted by AAA President Virginia R. The first is an Engaged Anthropology Grant program that will provide  She was recently awarded an Engaged Anthropology Grant from the Wenner- Gren Foundation (2019) to share her research in Nepal and create a collaborative  2014 M.A. University of Massachusetts Amherst, Anthropology. M.A., "Creating Wenner-Gren Engaged Anthropology Grant, The Wenner-. Gren Foundation  Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, Inc. http://www.

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Wenner-Gren's Webinar Series on the Future of Anthropology: Indigenous Peoples, Heritage and Landscape in the Asia Pacific: Knowledge Co-Production, Policy Change, and Empowerment. Wednesday, September 16, 2020 8:00 PM (Pacific Time) Zoom Webinar …

search, the Wenner-Gren Foundation and the EASA. av T och Universa — time by anthropologists. They taught hygiene He also refused to accept grant money for his summer research. our own work.

Uganda's capital, Kampala, to publicly share and discuss her research findings on female university students' strategies for social advancement in relation to higher education reform and rising rates of HIV on Ugandan university campuses.

We help anthropologists advance anthropological knowledge, build sustainable careers, and amplify the impact of anthropology within the wider world. We dedicate ourselves to broadening the conversation in anthropology to reflect the full diversity of the field. Most recently Dr. Biruk received an Engaged Anthropology Grant to aid engaged activities on “Workshops on Research with Key Populations.” On 20-21 June 2019, in collaboration with Dr. Alister Munthali and Gift Trapence, I convened “Workshops on Research with Key Populations,” which drew 20 Malawian scholars drawn from fields such as anthropology, sociology, history, political science, and psychology.

We help anthropologists advance anthropological knowledge, build sustainable careers, and amplify the impact of anthropology within the wider world. We dedicate ourselves to broadening the conversation in anthropology to reflect the full diversity of the field.