Luan Plakiçi (emri i vërtetë Artur), nga Laçit, prej disa vitesh kishte fituar të drejtën e azilit në Britaninë e Madhe. Pas disa kohësh nga kjo gjë, ai ka shërbyer si përkthyes në Londër, në Ministrinë e Emigracionit, gjë që i ka shërbyer mjaft mirë për shumë kohë që të jetë larg dyshimeve të policisë.


The trial of Luan Plakici, 26, has highlighted the growing trade in trafficking women, mainly from eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, to work as sex slaves earning hundreds of thousand

As long ago as 2003, Luan Plakici, an Albanian from Montenegro, was jailed in Scotland for 10 years for trafficking women from Moldova. Former SCDEA boss Graeme Pearson, Synonyms for slave-trader in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for slave-trader. 1 synonym for slave trade: slave traffic. What are synonyms for slave-trader? In December 2003, Luan Plakici, an Albanian born naturalised Briton, was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment after he was found guilty of smuggling women into the United Kingdom from Eastern Europe. He was convicted of 15 offences, including kidnapping, facilitating the entry of illegal immigrants into the UK, incitement to rape and living off prostitution (Guardian, 22 December 2003).

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Many prostitutes forced to work in UK brothels are controlled by men like playboy pimp Luan Plakici. The Ferrari-driving Albanian asylum seeker was jailed in 2003 for trafficking women into the UK. And Luan Plakici, who drove a Ferrari, is currently serving 23 years for smuggling in 60 women to the UK to be used for prostitution, the Sun reports. A photograph showed him lying on a sofa Luan Plakiçi (emri i vërtetë Turi) një emigrant shqiptar nga Laçi, me nënshtetësi angleze që nga 1 Dhjetori 2001, i arrestuar më 29 tetor 2002 në banesën e tij në rrugën nr. 3, Middelton Road, shumë qetësisht është ngjitur në vendin e dhënies së dëshmive, në sallën numër 5 të gjykatës "Wood Green Crown Court", nga ku ka treguar me detaje të gjithë mënyrën e LUAN PLAKICI, an Albanian trafficker now serving 23 years, shows the extent of the evil surrounding people-smuggling. Based in London, he ran a £1 million sex slave empire, dressed expensively and The Attorney-General had complained that Luan Plakici’s original sentence of ten years was unduly lenient and it was increased to 23 years. Plakici, 26, of Golders Green, northwest London, Luan Plakici had been found guilty of trafficking young girls to sell them into prostitution and sexual slavery.

Luan Plakici, the "Vice King" of the Albanian mafia in the Suurbritannia who was jailed for 10 years (later increased to 23 years) for trafficking women after  Sep 16, 2015 256 Regina v Luan Plakici, Court of Appeal, United Kingdom. 257 M. Van Dongen, “Saban B. leeft in luxe in Turkije”, de Volkskrant, 16 January  2017年8月2日 还有照片显示,Luan Plakici在沙发上拿着一捆钞票,他从事卖淫勾当已经23年, 期间涉嫌走私60名女性。 Ardi Beshiri因为在袜子中私藏可卡因  2 Gusht 2017 Luan Plakici, i cili është duke bërë 23 vjet burg për kontrabandimin e 60 grave në prostitucion, është parë të mbajë një pako shënimesh nën  9 Korrik 2019 Luan Plakici – Krijoi një pasuri prej 1 milionë paundësh nëpërmjet trafikimit të femrave në Londër, u burgos pas një hetimi të vitit 2003. Klodjan  11 Mars 2019 Edhe Luan Plakici, i cilësuar si mafioz brutal është burgosur me 23 vite burg.

2 Gusht 2017 Luan Plakici, i cili është duke bërë 23 vjet burg për kontrabandimin e 60 grave në prostitucion, është parë të mbajë një pako shënimesh nën 

Eastern Europe and forcing them to work as sex slaves in Britain, the case hit head-. Luan (Albanian, Gaelic, Vietnamese and Portuguese Origin) Thought to originate in Albanian Luan Plakici, who made £1million from sex trafficking women in  256 Regina v Luan Plakici, Court of Appeal, United Kingdom. 257 M. Van Dongen, “Saban B. leeft in luxe in Turkije”, de Volkskrant, 16 January 2010, p. 3.

Luan Plakici had been found guilty of trafficking young girls to sell them into prostitution and sexual slavery. When Judge Robert Winstanley gave Plakici 10 years, the maximum sentence for the

He was convicted of 15 offences, including kidnapping, facilitating the entry of illegal immigrants into the UK, incitement to rape and living off prostitution (Guardian, 22 December 2003). The Plakici case is even more notorious. It attracted a great deal of media attention, not least in a respected national newspaper which just happens to be the Guardian ’s stablemate. ‘The money to be made from human trafficking was revealed in 2003 when an Albanian, Luan Plakici, was jailed for 10 years after trafficking up to 60 women from Moldova and Romania’, the Observer reported .

As long ago as 2003, Luan Plakici, an Albanian from Montenegro, was jailed in Scotland for 10 years for trafficking women from Moldova. Former SCDEA boss Graeme Pearson, Synonyms for slave-trader in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for slave-trader. 1 synonym for slave trade: slave traffic. What are synonyms for slave-trader?
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Eastern Europe and forcing them to work as sex slaves in Britain, the case hit head-. Luan (Albanian, Gaelic, Vietnamese and Portuguese Origin) Thought to originate in Albanian Luan Plakici, who made £1million from sex trafficking women in  256 Regina v Luan Plakici, Court of Appeal, United Kingdom. 257 M. Van Dongen, “Saban B. leeft in luxe in Turkije”, de Volkskrant, 16 January 2010, p. 3. THE downfall of slave-trader Luan Plakici was a long time coming.

Albanian Luan Plakici, who made £1million from sex trafficking women in London, was jailed after an investigation by Mr Holmes's unit in 2003 Credit: PA:Press Association. 27.
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Jan 17, 2015 The women testified against the traffickers in court, resulting in the sentencing of 23 years imprisonment for Luan Plakici [Home Office, 2004, 

Plakici, who headed a £1m gang, was convicted of offences including kidnap and incitement to rape in December. Albanian Luan Plakici, who made £1million from sex trafficking women in London, was jailed after an investigation by Mr Holmes's unit in 2003 Credit: PA:Press Association.

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Luan Plakici, "vice kung" för den albanska maffian i Storbritannien som fängslades i tio år (senare ökat till 23 år) för människohandel efter att ha lovat dem bra jobb. Erkman Rock, "Kingpin" i New York och New Jerseys albanska maffia presenterades på Americas Most Wanted och greps i maj 2012.

The AS an asylum seeker, Luan Plakici drove around London in a battered Ford Fiesta. Within two years of being granted a British passport in 2001, the 26-year-old Albanian had a Ferrari Spider and BMW At the end of what is being hailed as a "groundbreaking" police investigation Luan Plakici, 26, was revealed to have made more than £1m from bringing "poor, naive and gullible" young women to A FORMER asylum seeker was facing a prison sentence for smuggling women into Britain to feed his £1 million sex slave empire. Albanian Luan Plakici, 26, a self-taught immigration expert, used a At the end of what is being hailed as a "groundbreaking" police investigation Luan Plakici, 26, was revealed to have made more than £1m from bringing "poor, naive and gullible" young women to Albanian Luan Plakici was originally ordered to serve 10 years, but the Attorney General appealed. The original 10-year sentence was increased on Thursday to 23 years by the Court of Appeal. Plakici, who headed a £1m gang, was convicted of offences including kidnap and incitement to rape in December. Albanian Luan Plakici, who made £1million from sex trafficking women in London, was jailed after an investigation by Mr Holmes's unit in 2003 Credit: PA:Press Association.

Albanian Luan Plakici was originally ordered to serve 10 years, but the Attorney General appealed. The original 10-year sentence was increased on Thursday to 23 years by the Court of Appeal. Plakici, who headed a £1m gang, was convicted of offences including kidnap and incitement to rape in December.

R. v Plakici (Luan) (CA (Crim Div)) Court of Appeal (Criminal Division) 29 April 2004 është website më profesional dhe i pavarur me lajme nga Shqipëria dhe Ballkani. Në mënyrë të shpejtë dhe të verifikuar me disa burime ju do të gjeni lajme nga politika e vendit dhe e rajonit, informacione ekonomike, dokumente dhe dossier, intervista dhe lajme ekskluzive nga bota kulturore, të shkruara nga gazetarët më të përzgjedhur. Luan Plakici ⭐ Company Director Profile. Past and present positions of Luan Plakici.

The 26-year-old was head of a gang of traffickers who made more than £1m. Plakici was convicted of offences including kidnap and incitement to rape, at Wood Green Crown Court, north London on Monday. 2003-12-23 · At the end of what is being hailed as a "groundbreaking" police investigation, Luan Plakici, 26, was revealed to have made more than £1m from bringing "poor, naive and gullible" girls and young Luan Plakici, 26, a former interpreter, lured dozens of women from Eastern Europe with promises of work in the United Kingdom before enslaving them in London brothels and massage parlours. Albanian Luan Plakici was originally ordered to serve 10 years, but the Attorney General appealed.