The flow of arms to Asia and Oceania and the Middle East increased between 2007–11 and 2012–16, while there was a decrease in the flow to Europe, the Americas and Africa. The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database now contains information on all international transfers of major conventional weapons from 1950 to the end of 2016. It is the only publicly available resource providing consistent data on international arms transfers for this length of time.


SIPRI Fact Sheet April 2020: Trends in world military expenditure, 2019 Format SIPRI therefore discourages the use of terms such as ‘arms spending’ when referring to military

It lists the main suppliers and recipients for the period 2012–16 and describes the changes in regional trends. The # USA 🇺🇸 delivered major arms to 96 states in 2016–20. Almost half (47%) of these # ArmsExports went to the # MiddleEast —an increase of 28% on the previous 5-year period. Read more about the trends in global # ArmsTransfers in this SIPRI Fact Sheet ️ See More The United States accounts for an increasing share of global trade in major conventional weapons, according to the annual arms transfer survey by the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The SIPRI report reviewed global conventional arms transfers through the end of 2020 and before the arrival of the Biden administration. SIPRI Fact Sheets and Policy Briefs; Multi-author volumes; Pocket-size summaries of the Yearbook in English and a number of other languages; SIPRI Arms Transfers Database, Iraq 1973-1990; Finances.

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Established in 1966, SIPRI provides data, analysis and recommendations, based on open sources. Signalistgatan 9. ARMS TRANSFERS, 2018 pieter d. wezeman, aude fleurant, alexandra kuimova, nan tian and siemon t. wezeman March 2019 SIPRI Fact Sheet The volume of international transfers of major arms in 2014 Transparency in arms transfers Chapter: 5. International arms transfers and developments in arms production Source: SIPRI Yearbook 2019 Author(s): Siemon T. Wezeman, Aude Fleurant.

Almost half (47%) of these # ArmsExports went to the # MiddleEast —an increase of 28% on the previous 5-year period. Read more about the trends in global # ArmsTransfers in this SIPRI Fact Sheet ️ See More w The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database now contains information on all international transfers of major conventional weapons from 1950 to the end of 2009.

Arms Trade and investments of Dutch banks, A case study for the Fair Bank Guide. Special thanks SIPRI, 29 april, 2019: 2 UN peace keeping missions, it is a fact that in /$file/hb_fonder_hallbarhets_och_agarstyrn-.

2018, co. The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database now contains information on all international transfers of major conventional weapons from 1950 to the end of 2016. It is the only publicly available resource providing consistent data on international arms transfers for this length of time.

The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database contains information, often estimates, on all international transfers of major weapons (including sales, gifts and production under licence) to states, international organisations and armed non-state groups since 1950 This week, SIPRI released new data on international arms transfers of major weapons.

Arms imports (SIPRI trend indicator values) Definition: Arms transfers cover the supply of military weapons through sales, aid, gifts, and those made through manufacturing licenses. Data cover major conventional weapons such as aircraft, armored vehicles, artillery, radar systems, missiles, and ships designed for military use. This arms transfers database contains information on all international transfers of major conventional weapons from 1950 to the end of 2008. It shows that the five biggest suppliers for the period 2004–2008 were the USA, Russia, Germany, France and the UK and the five biggest recipients were China, India, the UAE, South Korea and Greece. She has authored many articles on the arms industry and military expenditure during her tenures at the Military Academy and at SIPRI. Her recent publications include 'Trends in world military expenditure, 2017', SIPRI Fact Sheet (May 2018, co-author) and 'Trends in international arms transfers, 2017', SIPRI Fact Sheet (Feb. 2018, co.

SIPRI  Policymakers need to base their decisions on facts. on chemical weapons and the arms trade, have successfully been used by governments  Expert to the Parliamentary Committee on Swedish Export of Arms Materiel,. 1988-1990.
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Fact Sheet: the Arms Trade Treaty. av A Höeg Karlsson · 2012 — 1 Arms Trade Treaty Preparatory Committee, United Nations. Report of SIPRI Fact Sheet 2012, Paul Holtom, Mark Bromley, Pieter D. Wezeman and Siemon T. Stockholms internationella fredsforskningsinstitut (SIPRI) eller Stockholm Policy Papers; Working Paper; Policy Briefs; Background Papers; Fact Sheets; Insights on års UN Programme of Action on SALW samt Arms Trade Treaty från 2013. In 2016–20, Middle Eastern #ArmsImports grew by 25%, driven chiefly by Saudi the trends in international #ArmsTransfers in SIPRI's latest Fact Sheet ➡️  Sweden still in top 10 of weapons exporters playing this role," says SIPRI's European expert on arms transfer, Mark Bromley. able to rely as much as it has previously on the fact that their governments would exclusively  Fact Sheet, februari 2016,

The volume of international transfers of major arms grew by 7.8 per cent between 2009–13 and 2014–18, reaching its highest level since the end of the cold war (see section I). This growth is a continuation of the steady upward trend that began in the early 2000s. This week, SIPRI released new data on international arms transfers of major weapons. We’ve picked out some key trends in the data and present the state of arms transfers in eight graphics. All figures come from the SIPRI Arms Transfers Database, which contains data on arms transfers since 1950.
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The SIPRI Arms Transfers Database is the only public resource that provides consistent information, often estimates, on all international transfers of major arms (including sales, gifts and

The recently adopted Arms Trade Treaty (A/RES/68/31) seeks to prohibit irresponsible arms transfers and According to SIPRI, 6 of the top 10 largest importers of arms are in Asia and the Pacific, and the Fact Sheets on Conventiona 'In fact, MINUSMA stands out because of its close links to According to SIPRI's definition, a multilateral peace operation must have the stated Swedish · SIPRI Fact Sheet: Trends in Multilateral Peace Operations, 2019 dedicated to research into conflict, armaments, arms control and disarmament. International arms transfers and developments in arms production; SIPRI This Fact Sheet describes the trends in international arms transfers that are revealed  The #USA delivered major arms to 96 states in 2016–20.

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flera personer tillsammans (light weapons) till exempel tunga maskingevär Norwegian Initiative on Small Arms Transfers (NISAT) är SIPRI 

150 Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade, “Quaterly Fact Sheet: Fact. 82 SIPRI (2018) Arms Transfer Database. 83 Cheung, Tai-Ming International Arms Transfers, 2017”, SIPRI Fact Sheet. Mars 2018, SIPRI:  av I Dahlén · 2019 — Violence and conflicts continue ravaging the world all the while the arms industry is providing Sipri Fact Sheet: Trends in International Arms Transfers, 2018. av K Engberg · 2021 · Citerat av 1 — Weapons. OSCE Organization for Security and Co-Operation in.

From 9 March 2020 the freely accessible SIPRI Arms Transfers Database includes updated data on arms transfers for 1950–2019. Based on the new data, this Fact Sheet presents global trends in arms exports and arms imports and highlights selected issues related to arms transfers.

SIPRI  Policymakers need to base their decisions on facts. on chemical weapons and the arms trade, have successfully been used by governments  Expert to the Parliamentary Committee on Swedish Export of Arms Materiel,. 1988-1990. 2003-12, SIPRI Yearbook 2014: Armaments, Disarmament and organizations: the balance sheet , in Wallensteen and Bjurner op.cit. (No 47 relationer (Imperialism and Interaction: Two Ways of Studying Trade in. the Arms Trade (CAAT), som arbetar mot vapenhandel, tog det internationella fredsforskningsinstitutet i Stockholm, SIPRI, 2011 fram en rapport där man fann  Data on Armed Conflict · Small Arms Trade Database · Mapping Arms Data Tunander, Ola (2005) Sanningen finns i detaljerna [The Truth is in the Details], Norsk [Who used chemical weapons in Ghouta?], Minervanett, 24 September.

av K Engberg · 2021 · Citerat av 1 — Weapons. OSCE Organization for Security and Co-Operation in. Europe. OUP Operation Unified prompted the EU to seek out new trade partners interested in Military Expenditure', Fact Sheet, Stockholm, SIPRI, Den fullt uppdaterade.